Apr 8, 2011

New Blog: Foodstalkers

Have you been wondering where we went?

Since our last post, 3 years ago, a lot has changed! We moved into a new space in the North Loop, taken on many new clients & projects, and added a few new faces to our IN team! Check out our website to see what's all new!

We have also dove back into the world of blogging, and are proud to say, "We're hooked!" Our new blog: Foodstalkers, focuses on all that we love related to food and marketing! Check out our bio below and make sure to visit our new blog:

Foodstalkers: (n) A group of food-crazed individuals stealthily tracking food trends and industry insights.

Here at IN Food Marketing & Design, we truly live and breathe food trends and insights. We just can’t help ourselves. This blog serves as a platform to explore all that we love related to marketing and food. Eating, cooking, marketing, advertising: they are all about the experience and emotions evoked. Take a few minutes to dig in, we are sure you will find something interesting and learn a few things along the way.

We won't be posting to this blog any more, so make sure to add our new blog to your favorites. And let us know what you think! We'd love to hear from you.
